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Decoherence spectroscopy with individual two-level tunneling defects | J. Lisenfeld, A. Bilmes, S. Matityahu, S. Zanker, M. Marthaler, M. Schechter, G. Schön, A. Shnirman, G. Weiss and A.V. Ustinov | Sci. Rep. 6, 23786 (2016) |
Superconducting quantum metamaterials as active lasing medium: Effects of disorder | M. Koppenhöfer, M. Marthaler and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. A 93, 063808 (2016) |
Emulating the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model by a double chain of qubits | J.M. Reiner, M. Marthaler, J. Braumüller, M. Weides and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. A 94, 032338 (2016) |
Lasing and transport in a multi-level double quantum dot system coupled to a microwave oscillator | C. Karlewski, A. Heimes and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 93, 045314 (2016) |
Decoherence of a quantum two-level system by spectral diffusion | S. Matityahu, A. Shnirman, G. Schön and M. Schechter | Phys. Rev. B 93, 134208 (2016) |
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Electroluminescence and multi-photon effects in a resonator driven by a tunnel junction | J. Jin, M. Marthaler and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 91, 085421 (2015) |
Magnetic order on a topological insulator surface with warping and proximity-induced superconductivity | D. Mendler, P. Kotetes and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 91, 155405 (2015) |
Magnetic adatoms as memory bits: A quantum master equation analysis | C. Karlewski, M. Marthaler, T. Märkl, T. Balashov, W. Wulfhekel and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 91, 245430 (2015) |
Superconductor-insulator transition in nanowires and nanowire arrays | J.E. Mooij, G. Schön, A. Shnirman, T. Fuse, H. Rotzinger, C.J.P.M. Harmans and A. Verbruggen | New J. Phys. 17, 033006 (2015) |
Majorana representation for dissipative spin systems | P. Schad, Y. Makhlin, B.N. Narozhny, G. Schön and A. Shnirman | Annals of Physics 361, 401 (2015) |
Majorana fermion fingerprints in spin-polarised scanning tunneling microscopy | P. Kotetes, D. Mendler, A. Heimes and G. Schön | Physica E 74, 614 (2015) |
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Implementation of a Quantum Metamaterial | P. Macha, G. Oelsner, J.M. Reiner, M. Marthaler, S. André, G. Schön, U. Hübner, H.G. Meyer, E. Il'ichev and A.V. Ustinov | Nature Communications 5, 5146 (2014) |
Circular-polarization sensitive metamaterial based on triple quantum-dot molecules | P. Kotetes, P.Q. Jin, M. Marthaler and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 236801 (2014) |
Flux 1 /f^α noise in 2D Heisenberg spin glasses: effects of weak anisotropic interactions | J. Atalaya, J. Clarke, G. Schön and A. Shnirman | Phys. Rev. B 90, 014206 (2014) |
Tunneling and Relaxation of Single Quasiparticles in a Normal-Superconductor-Normal Single Electron Transistor | A. Heimes, V. Maisi, D.S. Golubev, M. Marthaler, G. Schön and J.P. Pekola | Phys. Rev. B 89, 014508 (2014) |
Majorana fermions from Shiba states in an antiferromagnetic chain on top of a superconductor | A. Heimes, P. Kotetes and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 90, 060507(R) (2014) |
Nonequilibrium Spin Noise and Noise of Susceptibility | P. Schad, B.N. Narozhny, G. Schön and A. Shnirman | Phys. Rev. B 90, 205419 (2014) |
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Stabilizing the magnetic moment of single holmium atoms by symmetry | T. Miyamachi, T. Schuh, T. Märkl, C. Bresch, T. Balashov, A. Stöhr, C. Karlewski, S. André, M. Marthaler, M. Hoffmann, M. Geilhufe, S. Ostanin, W. Hergert, I. Mertig, G. Schön, A. Ernst and W. Wulfhekel | Nature 503, 242-246 (2013) |
Phase Space Crystals: A New Way to Create a Quasienergy Band Structure | L. Guo, M. Marthaler and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 205303 (2013) |
Noise spectrum of a quantum dot-resonator lasing circuit | J. Jin, M. Marthaler, P.Q. Jin, D.S. Golubev and G. Schön | New J. Phys. 15, 025044 (2013) |
Influence of vibrations on electron transport through nanoscale contacts | M. Bürkle, J.K. Viljas, T.J. Hellmuth, E. Scheer, F. Weigend, G. Schön and F. Pauly | Phys. Status Solidi B 250, 2468 (2013) |
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Strong coupling of spin qubits to a transmission line resonator | P.Q. Jin, M. Marthaler, A. Shnirman and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 190506 (2012) |
Emission spectrum of the driven nonlinear oscillator | S. André, L. Guo, V. Peano, M. Marthaler and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. A 85, 053825 (2012) |
Conduction mechanisms in biphenyl-dithiol single-molecule junctions | M. Bürkle, J.K. Viljas, D. Vonlanthen, A. Mishchenko, G. Schön, M. Mayor, T. Wandlowski and F. Pauly | Phys. Rev. B 85, 075417 (2012) |
Influence of two-level fluctuators on adiabatic passage techniques | N. Vogt, J.H. Cole, M. Marthaler and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 85, 174515 (2012) |
Pure dephasing in flux qubits due to flux noise with spectral density scaling as 1/ f^alpha | S.M. Anton, C. Mueller, J.S. Birenbaum, S.R. O'Kelley, A.D. Fefferman, D.S. Golubev, G.C. Hilton, H.M. Cho, K.D. Irwin, F.C. Wellstood, G. Schön, A. Shnirman and J. Clarke | Phys. Rev. B 85, 224505 (2012) |
Work fluctuation theorem for a classical circuit coupled to a quantum conductor | Y. Utsumi, D.S. Golubev, M. Marthaler, G. Schön and K. Kobayashi | Phys. Rev. B 86, 075420 (2012) |
Ab initio study of the thermopower of biphenyl-based single-molecule junctions | M. Bürkle, L.A. Zotti, J.K. Viljas, D. Vonlanthen, A. Mishchenko, T. Wandlowski, M. Mayor, G. Schön and F. Pauly | Phys. Rev. B 86, 115304 (2012) |
Dual-probe decoherence microscopy: Probing pockets of coherence in a decohering environment | J. Jeske, J.H. Cole, C. Mueller, M. Marthaler and G. Schön | New J. Phys. 14, 023013 (2012) |
Memory effects in electrochemically gated metallic point contacts | R. Maul, F.Q. Xie, C. Obermair, G. Schön, T. Schimmel and W. Wenzel | Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 203511 (2012) |
Quantum vortex dynamics in Josephson arrays and optical lattices | R. Fazio and G. Schön | Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 524, 113-117 (2012) |
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Multilevel atomic-scale transistors based on metallic quantum point contacts | F.Q. Xie, R. Maul, C. Obermair, W. Wenzel, G. Schön and T. Schimmel | Adv. Mater 22, 2033 (2010) |
Single-qubit lasing in the strong-coupling regime | S. André, P.Q. Jin, V. Brosco, J.H. Cole, A. Romito, A. Shnirman and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. A 82, 053802 (2010) |
Bidirectional Single-Electron Counting and the Fluctuation Theorem | Y. Utsumi, D.S. Golubev, M. Marthaler, K. Saito, T. Fujisawa and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 81, 125331 (2010) |
Statistics of voltage fluctuations in resistively shunted Josephson junctions | D.S. Golubev, M. Marthaler, Y. Utsumi and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 81, 184516 (2010) |
Resonant all-electric spin pumping with spin-orbit coupling | V. Brosco, M. Jerger, P. San-Jose, G. Zarand, A. Shnirman and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 82, 041309(R) (2010) |
Conductance of atomic-scale Pb contacts in an electrochemical environment | F.Q. Xie, F. Hüser, F. Pauly, C. Obermair, G. Schön and T. Schimmel | Phys. Rev. B 82, 075417 (2010) |
Charge correlations in polaron hopping through molecules | B.B. Schmidt, M.H. Hettler and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 82, 155113 (2010) |
Nonlocal conductance via overlapping Andreev bound states in ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructures | G. Metalidis, M. Eschrig, R. Grein and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 82, 180503 (2010) |
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Sisyphus damping and amplification by a superconducting qubit | M. Grajcar, S.H.W. van der Ploeg, A. Izmalkov, E. Il'ichev, H.G. Meyer, A. Fedorov, A. Shnirman and G. Schön | Nature Physics 4, 612-616 (2008) |
Single-qubit lasing and cooling at the Rabi frequency | J. Hauss, A. Fedorov, C. Hutter, A. Shnirman and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 037003 (2008) |
Photon-number squeezing in circuit quantum electrodynamics | M. Marthaler, G. Schön and A. Shnirman | Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 147001 (2008) |
Independently switchable atomic transistors with predefined quantum conductance by reversible contact reconstruction | F.Q. Xie, R. Maul, A. Augenstein, C. Obermair, E.B. Starikov, W. Wenzel, G. Schön and T. Schimmel | Nano Lett. 8, 4493 (2008) |
Co-tunneling assisted sequential tunneling in multi-level quantum dots | J. Aghassi, M.H. Hettler and G. Schön | Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 202101 (2008) |
Pre-selectable integer quantum conductance of electrochemically fabricated silver point contacts | F.Q. Xie, R. Maul, S. Brendelberger, C. Obermair, E.B. Starikov, W. Wenzel, G. Schön and T. Schimmel | Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 043103 (2008) |
Geometric phases in semiconductor spin qubits: Manipulations and decoherence | P. San-Jose, B. Scharfenberger, G. Schön, A. Shnirman and G. Zarand | Phys. Rev. B 77, 045305 (2008) |
Density-functional study of tilt-angle and temperature-dependent conductance in biphenyl-dithiol single-molecule contacts | F. Pauly, J.K. Viljas, J.C. Cuevas and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 77, 155312 (2008) |
Non-equilibrium polaron hopping transport through DNA | B.B. Schmidt, M.H. Hettler and G. Schön | Phys. Rev. B 77, 165337 (2008) |
Generation and detection of spin entanglement in nonequilibrium quantum dots | S. Legel, J. König and G. Schön | New J. Phys. 10, 045016 (2008) |
Dissipation in circuit quantum electrodynamics: lasing and cooling of a low-frequency oscillator | J. Hauss, A. Fedorov, S. André, V. Brosco, C. Hutter, R. Kothari, S. Yeshwant, A. Shnirman and G. Schön | New J. Phys. 10, 095018 (2008) |
Cluster-based density-functional approach to quantum transport through molecular and atomic contacts | F. Pauly, J.K. Viljas, U. Huniar, M. Häfner, S. Wohlthat, M. Bürkle, J.C. Cuevas and G. Schön | New J. Phys. 10, 125019 (2008) |
Cross-correlations in transport through parallel quantum dots | G. Schön, M.H. Hettler, J. Aghassi and S. Haupt | arXiv:0802.3579 [cond-mat.mes-hall] (2008) |