Emmy Noether junior research group for Jan Masell

Jan Masell successfully acquired funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and he will establish an Emmy Noether junior research group at the Institute of Theoretical Solid State Physics. His group will focus on the "Design and Functionalization of 3d Magnetic Textures" in short "MAGN3D".

Recent breakthroughs in the development of experimental imaging techniques allowed for first glimpses at genuine three-dimensional (3d) magnetic textures hiding inside complex magnets. These textures might vary in all three spatial directions and include, in particular, topological skyrmion strings and hopfions. This new development paves the way for a new era of research in magnetism that requires a concerted effort between experiment and theory to explore and understand these novel magnetic structures. The Emmy Noether junior research group will tackle these challenges from the theoretical perspective in close collaboration with experimental partners in the USA, Japan, Norway, and Germany. In particular, the interpretation and analysis of the experimental imaging data will require novel AI-enhanced reconstruction algorithms that will be developed by MAGN3D. The junior research group will study stabilization mechanisms to predict and design novel magnetic textures, it will analyze their dynamics arising in three spatial dimensions, and it will propose potential scenarios for their functionalization. MAGN3D will substantially contribute to the emerging field of 3d magnetism that holds great promises for fundamental research as well as for future applications in information technology.

The Emmy Noether junior research group is funded for the duration of 3 + 3 years with a total budget of ~ 2.4M€.

Jan Masell will establish a Emmy Noether junior research group at the Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics.